This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it!

Psalm 118:24



Welcome to the Gallery of Open Mic For Jesus, a showcase of art, audio, and written pieces submitted by the community. May you be moved by these creative works!


This poem has to do with the experience of one who walks in the Light but the darkness does not comprehend it.


Come Thou Fount

Bound For the Promised Land

Sodo Station, Seattle, WA 

Songs from Ted Gray

Our Peace

Joy in Residence

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This piece is about reflecting on the past and seeing meaning of it in where I am today. -Missy   


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Can’t Feel At Home


“What A Beautiful Name”

Music by Mitch and Rochelle Senti 

Accompaniment by Missy

God loved us at our worst. 

   We can even find revelation of Jesus from that place too. 

That’s what I like most about this song.

This song was recorded at the Jesus Gathering and 

I accompanied it with the guitar as a project.

If you want to accompany this song too…



“What A Beautiful Name“


This song was recorded at the Jesus Gathering and 

a recording project was created from it.

Here is the bass accompaniment.

“What A Beautiful Name”

Bass by Michael Nelson


                                     My Heart Sings With Joy

                                By, Glenda Bailey-Price
