Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, 

O LORD, my rock and my redeemer. 

Psalm 19:14

Looking to God, welcome to a blog of thoughtful observations and inquiry.

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4/29/22 Come ‘round

    Recently, we covered the parable of the sower at our bible study. One area of focus was how can we let the word of God be planted in good soil. I thought about what preparations get made and how to maintain our faith. How can we eventually bear fruit and with patience as the passage says.

        “Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God. 12 The ones along the path are those who have heard; then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, so that they may not believe and be saved. 13 And the ones on the rock are those who, when they hear the word, receive it with joy. But these have no root; they believe for a while, and in time of testing fall away. 14 And as for what fell among the thorns, they are those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by the cares and riches and pleasures of life, and their fruit does not mature. 15 As for that in the good soil, they are those who, hearing the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patience.” Luke 8: 11-15

    I’m thinking about the bird I saw out my window circling the air, believed to be an Eagle, I researched further and found these birds can fly in this pattern to catch a warm current of wind which helps them gain altitude and at a faster rate. In our life situations it may appear we are going round and round in our difficulties. Perhaps it actually God though, sanctifying us to reach higher ground. So as we can become discouraged or impatient, may God’s word not wither, fail to thrive, or be stolen away..but flourish!


12/24/21 How To Wait

       Although it seems God has us learn through suffering often, other times it’s in different forms, I’ve found. He knows what we need healed. How we need to progress from where we’ve been stuck.

       Our prayers to God could also be also an answer to someone else’s prayers as well. With all gratitude, what do we need to bring to him in our requests? I’m learning he will answer us externally or implicitly to grow, think on heavenly things, to further the kingdom. 


11/22/21 Rejoice!

Today I am feeling thankful for the love of the Lord. Because he made it possible to be saved, we can have renewed  life. We can grow and accomplish goals. Is he not the source of our ability to have confidence? So glad in this day that the Lord has made! -Psalm 118: 24


9/18/21 For Real Though

Some believe they will only know if God is real when they pass away. Others believe in a higher power, yet do not name it. Sometimes it’s “universe.” People can see him as the Creator through nature. I ponder on how we can really know him more and now. How do we receive that insight? Scripture says, “You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart” -Jeremiah 29:13. Revelation can happen and lead one to a life in faith. So, what’s in your heart?


7/19/21 Yes To The Bless’

My thoughts have been about how God wants to bless us, but are we saying yes? It seems like there is choice there, to allow these blessings into our life. There could be challenges in our decision, like facing a fear, making a commitment, or simply trusting. However, we know God is good, and has plans to give us hope and a future. How can we position ourselves in Christ to hear the will of the Father and say “yes” to the bless’?


5/29/21 Tit-For-Tat

On our good days do we attribute it to something we have done? Just the same, on our unfavorable days? But does it work like that, tit-for-tat? What I’m referring to is the idea of “karma” used in our social culture. Based on how a person treats others, they receive rewards or get payback.

It is true, we make choices that have cause and an effect. We plant. We reap. But do we always get treated back in the way we think we “deserve,” for good or bad? If we made a list of where we have faltered with others, how would our future look if we subscribed to this idea of karma?

For good deeds done...should the intent be to clock hours on our kindness to get a return? For “It is in the giving we receive.” Jesus said “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them.” Matthew 7:12. This is different from the way we use karma.

As a friend brought to light, God is just. However, he also has grace and mercy. Thank God for God! He gave us free will, so we can choose him.


4/26/21 One Shot

In the midst of my challenges, I find comfort in reminding myself...we do not grow by updating like a computer or cell phone. We feel, we hurt, we love... is it instantaneous? One thing I’ve been trying to do is, bring this growing process before God. To lay it all out. Although he is all knowing, there is something about making the conscious effort for him to know us. I’m finding I am more honest with myself, and it’s helping my trials. 

Can our faith wane in trials? In our Bible Study we discussed the woman who was healed by touching the garment of Jesus. (Mark 5: 25-34) Was it the actual garment itself though that made this miracle occur or her faith in him?

 We have one shot at this life. So, how could we be living with our faith? Where do we need courage and to take risks... in Jesus power?

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3/31/21  What Can He Do?

I’ve been thinking about how we can make decisions that create a feeling of being stuck. Trying to find a way out of that feeling can be like that old children’s game, “Marco Polo.” In Marco Polo, we searched around in the dark for everyone, by call and response to his name. 

Can we be feeling stuck, or in the dark though because we aren't seeing things for how they really are? However, we can shed light in our situations, see truth, and find hope. We can even come into new life with our past decisions. In the book the “Ragamuffin Gospel,” author Brennan Manning speaks on the transforming power of Christ. "We can shift our focus from, what have I done? to what can he do?” 

“When anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible, for anything that becomes visible is light. Therefore it says, Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you." Ephesians 5: 13-14


1/12/21 Success

A time ago, I met a young man who wrote a song that I became inspired by. Part of the lyrics were “everything goes through change. The sun will rise and fall just the same.” This section of the song speaks to me how God is constant, while the world is temporary. Further, it shows me how God can be revealed in nature and in really gorgeous ways. 

As I was reading Oswald Chambers, “My Utmost For His Highest,” I was reminded of this song. Oswald speaks on how we can relate to God through creation and expand possibilities. 

“If we are children of God, we have a tremendous treasure in nature and will realize that it is holy and sacred. We will see God reaching out to us in every wind that blows, every sunrise and sunset, every cloud in the sky, every flower that blooms, and every leaf that fades, if we will only begin to use our blinded thinking to visualize it.”

“The power of visualization is what God gives a saint so that he can go beyond himself and be firmly placed into relationships he never before experienced.”

In what ways are we blocked from the visualization that God grants to us, and how can we grow in it?

I am recalling an assignment given in a college course to define “success.” As 20-somethings, that word got tossed around a lot because it’s what we aspired to be. Today in looking at what it means I ask, what are you working with and the criteria that is defining you?

I believe a sermon referring to Matthew 25:14-30, by Pastor Mitch speaks to this. In his sermon “New Calling” he talks about how God grants us grace uniquely to the abilities we have. Some who are working with less abilities may use 100% of that grace. Whereas, one with more abilities may not be so faithful. Who might we call “successful” here? What is the culture saying?

We live in a culture that compares abilities, status, and goods. People can scramble around to keep up with each other and their upgrades. “The grass is greener on the other side.” Can we see though, that Jesus-is the greenest grass! How can we identify with him?

Could you call it a success in finding you are valued, loved, and saved by God? May it even reflect in your life?


1/5/21   The Sun Will Rise…

A time ago, I met a young man who wrote a song that I became inspired by. Part of the lyrics were “everything goes through change. The sun will rise and fall just the same.” This section of the song speaks to me how God is constant, while the world is temporary. Further, it shows me how God can be revealed in nature and in really gorgeous ways. 

As I was reading Oswald Chambers, “My Utmost For His Highest,” I was reminded of this song. Oswald speaks on how we can relate to God through creation and expand possibilities. 

“If we are children of God, we have a tremendous treasure in nature and will realize that it is holy and sacred. We will see God reaching out to us in every wind that blows, every sunrise and sunset, every cloud in the sky, every flower that blooms, and every leaf that fades, if we will only begin to use our blinded thinking to visualize it.”

“The power of visualization is what God gives a saint so that he can go beyond himself and be firmly placed into relationships he never before experienced.”

In what ways are we blocked from the visualization that God grants to us, and how can we grow in it?